Last year I wrote a post thanking a bunch of people who helped me through the year/my life, as well as listing some accomplishments, and I realised I had succeeded at making some amazing friends, and by doing a lot of what I love (performing/creating). In 2015 I wanted to focus on the quality and diversity of my work, I learnt a lot.
Sadly, you can never thank everyone in this sort of thing, I hope no one feels left out. Here it goes – in no particular order:
Jason Chin who told me something that I am constantly reminding myself of. You’re allowed to have what you want. Thank you.
Marcus Willis who got me through Please Stay, Big Strong Boy and much more. The whole time convincing me I could do it.
Justin Porter who always makes me laugh and sometimes cry. He makes me feel like I’m good at what I do.
Adam Kangas is a good friend. And a good source of meme.
Joseph Green who makes everything feel like a holy quest. Der Sturm.
Rhett Hughes who makes everything feel like a rebellion. Thank you for being so giving of your time and ideas. Der Sturm.
Roy Barker who is a constant reminder of what life is about. Joy. Der Sturm.
Rebecca Green who stood by me during a very difficult time (train ride). Der Sturm.
Bri Williams who makes me feel like the world is a fundamentally good place.
Andrew Watt who always wants to do good work. And reminds me that I am capable of it.
Andy Balloch you’re a constant source of love. Thanks for always being a booster!
Alexis Watt who makes me feel like a professional.
Hayley Tantau who is forever positive, and a genuine friend. Thank you for your time, and care.
Mario Hannah who is one of the most grounded but playful individuals I know. My dad couldn’t have picked a more worthy… lover? Yeah, lover.
Lucy Horan thank you for our chats. You make me feel like I’m not crazy, and that’s a real gift, unless I am crazy – if so, then you’re an enabler. Thanks for enabling!
Damien Vosk who is hardworking and always wants to help out the people around him. Thank you.
Andrew Strano who is as supportive an individual as you’ll ever meet. Thank you for all the breakfast meetups!
Broni Lisle who puts life on a pedestal. I’m honored to be directing your show, and to call you a friend.
Mike Brown who is a dear friend. I hate to see you go, glad to see you do what you always wanted. Thank you for everything.
Tim Quabba a genuine talent and powerful soul. I wish I could explain exactly how highly I think of everything you do.
Laura Buskes a good friend, tremendous sharer of memes and someone who has always been there for me.
Ellyse O’Halloran who has recently left us to pursue her dreams. I have no doubt that your travel is going to set you up for the rest of your life. A wonderfully supportive and beautiful person, I know there’s so much good ahead of you.
Michael Longley who is the most intelligent person I’ve ever met. Thanks for being a friend I can eat steak and break the world with.
Fiona Scott-Norman thank you for listening, talking and being. *hug*
Simon McCulloch working with you on Trillcumber has been a joy. Watching you work and grow has been a special pleasure this year!
Ryan Zorzut thank you for always being on board with whatever is going on. I love watching you work in Champagne Factory, and it is a true joy to have you involved.
Josh Chodziesner we’ve only got to know each other recently I think, but I love your playful energy and wit. Thank you for your time, work and support.
Lee Naimo thank you for being such a big supporter throughout the year and my shows. You’ve been a tremendous lift to me! Thank you!
Matt Jenner who is a constant source of comedy and support. Thank you!
Nadine C thanks for being someone I can always talk to about anything! Thanks for being hard working, and thanks for working when it was hard.
Phil McKechnie who gave me a chance on Misguided TV and was a constant supporter. Thank you for the opportunity and friendship!
James Brennan who is a good friend, and has always been a tremendous source of support and thought!
Joel Hynes for being genuinely interested in the work I do. Thank you.
Wyatt Frederick-Nixon Lloyd who directed Please Stay and has been a confident, guide and collaborator in so much of my life and internal thinking. Thank you for being so sharing with where you at, who are and what you’re doing, because they’re all so great. Thank you!
Lauren Hayward who I love, and feel genuinely loved by. I can’t wait to see what comes next for us. Thank you for being.
And everyone else! Who have come along for the ride, and been a wonderful part of this year. Thank you. Thankyou. Thank you.
Hi Daniel,
What a great friend you must be yourself!
Taking the time and making the effort to recognise your friends and acquaintances for their individual strengths and what they mean to you is impressive.
I wish you many more great friends and a very happy and productive 2016!
atb mn.